St Margaret's Church School was located at the top of Station Road Rainham. The school moved from the building in the late 1960s and for a short time it was used as RWCA Community centre (Rainham & Wigmore Community Association) until the current building at Station Oasts was completed in the late 1970s. You can read about the History of the National School/Church School in Station Road Rainham here.
This photo of Church School at the top of Station Road Rainham Kent dates from around 1900 with Ye Old White Horse pub on right hand side of photo.
The Church school was demolished in 1977 to make way for the development of Rainham Shopping Centre next to Barclays Bank (now Greedy Banker bar/pub in 2025). These photos of the demolition were kindly provided by Fred Moore and were taken from the building opposite above the Co-op that was occupied by Flaherty Brothers in the 1970s and 1980s.
Below: Photo taken looking West showing the rear of houses in Holding Street. To the left is the rear of High Street buildings. You can still see the steps of the school that were added after the 1900 photo above was taken.
Below: Photo taken looking South showing the rear of High Street buildings including to the far left what was the Barclays Bank building at the time .
Below: Looking West again towards the rear of houses in Holding Street with the new houses of Suffolk Avenue in front of them. To the right at number 3 Station Road you can see the sign advertising Kemsley's Family Butchers selling Cooked Meats and Pies
Below: The montage below combines all 3 of the above photos to show the full panorama of the area of the school along with the other land that was being developed for Rainham Shopping Centre.