Action Forum magazine from April 2010. Click image to view the PDF of the magazine.

Cover photo features staff of Rainham and Distric Co-operative Society, Station Road, in front of their window display in 1933. The shop is currently (2012) Lloyds Pharmacy. Staff shown are Alf Champion, Ben Rodwell, Percy Major, Reg Lucas, Joe Cox, Jim Foulsher, Muggleton, Doug Evers and Norrington. A letter with more details is on page 3 of Action Forum

Action forum April 2010 staff of Rainham and Distric Co-operative Society, Station Road, in front of their window display in 1933. The shop is currently (2012) Lloyds Pharmacy. Staff shown are Alf Champion, Ben Rodwell, Percy Major, Reg Lucas, Joe Cox, Jim Foulsher, Muggleton, Doug Evers and Norrington 

April 2010