Dear Rainhamians,

first of all: I enjoy your nice webpage about Rainham! Though I have never been to Kent and thus do not know your place, I understand the fun of plunging into the past of one's hometown. It's very inspiring :)

I am doing a little research into the live of a person who lived in Wigmore in the 1930ies, in a house called "Ashe House". The nice details I find on your site gave me hope that you may have some more information.

Have you ever heard of such an address in your area? In fact Ashe House must have been the abode of that very Dr. Drake who was summoned in the "Rainham Poison Mystery of 1933". Until 1935 he was working in a partnership with two other practioners, Mr. William Ulic Desmond Longford and Mr. Sven Arthur Bather (both Rainham).

Any further details would be most welcome!


Annette Mangels
Munich, Germany


There is an article about Ashe House referred above on this site

UPDATE 3: (December 2024)

When researching something separate I spotted Ashe House listed on a Wigmore map from the 1950s

Ashe House Wigmore Map


On checking the entries in Kelly's Directory at Gillingham library I found Dennys Jn Drake listed as living at Ashe Ho on Maidstone Road Wigmore.


The map below shows what was called the Wigmore Estate in 1912. I can't see any mention of an Ashe House on there so between 1912 and 1935 when the Gazette notification was posted the property must have been built. Other buildings listed are:

Hope House
Orchard House
Sp Allwoods
Harris Smallholding
Paul's Fruit Farm
Ratcliffe's Poultry Farm
Filmer Bros Market Garden