When running the site I have always tried to keep a neutral stance on local issues to avoid any controversy. However the local paper today is reporting a campaign to stop a new mobile phone mast being erected in Durham Road is one that I need to highlight. My personal view is that this is a crazy decision to try to stop the mast being installed. The huge majority of people use mobile phones and want to be able to have good coverage. It is all very well having campaigners stating that masts should be erected in commercial areas only; however most people who want to be able to use their mobile phone do not live in a commercial area and want to be able to make phone calls at home.

Mobile phone masts are needed where people want to use their mobile phones. If the campaigners are prepared to accept that they will not use a mobile phone themselves then they may have a case but anyone using a mobile themselves has no justification to then stop a mast being erected or they risk courting hypocrisy. The coverage around Wigmore area is particularly poor and this mast will resolve the problem by filling in the poor coverage spots.

Sadly our local councillor is campaigning against the mast so I would urge any interested parties to raise this during the election campaign, he can be contacted by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

NOTE: If you are concerned about mobile phone masts then check on the locations that are already in place including opposite Parkwood school in the centre of the Parkwood residential area. An additional mast will have no impact on any radiation levels based on the number that already are constructed. You can check the locations of mobile masts in Rainham at this website  http://www.sitefinder.ofcom.org.uk/search

You will see that there are currently 3 masts in the centre of Rainham (Brown St/Quinnell St) and one at Rainham station, as well as 18 (yes 18) other masts in Wigmore/Hempstead including Woodside and Fairview Avenue. All are in the middle of residential areas.