Sid Callaway- Farmer and Cricket Patron

If you had walked along Rainham High Street during the 1970s or 1980s you would have probably passed an old unshaven man wearing hobnail boots, an old grey woollen suit, a baggy cap and carrying a sack of oats for his horses and on his way to catch the bus. You may have felt like offering some money for a cup of tea or a few pence for his bus fare. Unbelievably, you would have been looking at Sid Callaway, fruit farmer, the richest man in Rainham and President of Rainham Cricket Club.
Having joined Rainham Cricket Club in 1919 he served the club as a player, president and patron until 1988 when he died. He goes down in history as the longest serving member of the club to date and the most important patron since Richard Wakeley Junior, another farmer who served as captain and patron during the early 1900s.
Sid Callaway- Farmer and Cricket Patron
Sid became wealthy during the Second World War when farm produce was in demand due to the country having to be self sufficient. However, he became super rich when he sold the land on which the Howard School was built. Instead of go
ing on a spending spree Sid continued his usual way of life pottering around on his land and taking fruit and chickens to Maidstone Market every Tuesday for a bit of pin money. He never drank alcohol, he never smoked and he never owned a car but old Sid got enjoyment from helping others. He took in former Rainham captain John Richardson and gave him work and accommodation at his Pudding Lane old farmhouse home, he helped many people at the cricket club when they fell on hard times, he also paid off many debts for Rainham Cricket Club and provided them with money for a new pavilion and sight screens. 
If Sid had been alive during the past decade the club may well have already obtained the new pavilion they are seeking. Therefore, Sid Callaway should always be remembered by Rainham Cricket Club.