These aerial photos of Rainham were taken on 28 March 1968 and show so many details that have changed since. The main one is the shopping centre that now is between Station Road and the High Street/A2 but there are many others if you look closely at the photos.

  • The houses of Beverley Close in the final stages of construction
  • Church Mews not yet built
  • School at the top of Station Road
  • Original old station building still standing
  • Church house already demolished and land empty (as it would remain until Healthy Living Centre built in 2007)
  • Old Co-op department store on A2
  • Sorting office on A2 next to post office
  • Maidstone Road/Berengrave Lane/A2 crossroads - not blocked off as now
  • No car park behind Cricketers

Looking west towards Gillingham

Rainham Kent Aerial photo March 1968 looking West

Photo Looking North

Aerial photo Looking North Rainham Kent 1968


Some other aerial photos can be seen here 

Old Aerial Photos of Rainham from 1930 & 1990

Aerial Photos of Rainham 2013

Otterham Quay Aerial Photo