Falklands War Daily Newspaper Headlines

Coming soon, daily newspaper headlines from the Falklands War 30 years ago this year. Copies of the newspaper front page headlines for each day will be posted on the site - although these are from The Guardian not the more dramatic headlines of The Sun such as the infamous "Gotcha" when the Argentine ship General Belgrano was sunk.

31 March 1982 - Ministers try to defuse Falklands crisis

5 April 1982 - We won't hesitate says Nott

9 April 1982 - Britain to blockade Falkland Islands

24 April 1982 - Fleet Poised to Attach as peace hopes fade

1 May 1982 - Exclusion Zone extended

4 May 1982 - HMS Sheffield and Harrier destroyed

5 May 1982 - Fleet may pull back to avoid air attacks

6 May 1982 - Two jets lost as peace hopes founder

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